Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Two Ghosts for Sister Rachel by Kim Harrison. From the anthology Holidays are Hell

Synopsis: A younger Rachel Morgan is confronted by her older brother about her decision to join the I.S. (Inderland Security) Her brother wants her to come west to be with him and to study advanced Earth Magic and gives her a test…if she can stir a spell and bring her father back as a ghost and her father says yes, her brother will sign the paper for her to join the I.S. But of course, things go wrong…

Thoughts: It’s wonderful to see a younger Rachel before she’s the tough chick running for, and from, the I.S. We get to meet her older brother, Robbie, and her first “crush”. To keep from being moved out to the West Coast with Robbie, Rachel stirs a “level 800” spell to bring her father’s ghost back so he can tell Robbie that Rachel should join the I.S. even though that’s what, apparently, killed him.

Other than the fact that the novella was too short, there wasn’t much to complain about. I enjoyed getting to know Pierce (Rachel’s first crush that was alluded to in a previous novel) and especially enjoyed seeing Rachel before she became “kick ass”. She’s still very weak from Rosewood Syndrome that almost killed her but she’s gaining strength, graduating from a 2 year magic degree program at the University of Cincinnati, and already showing the kind of grit it will take to get her into the I.S. and eventually kicked out of the I.S.

All in all, I give this one 4 out of 5 berries. Just 'cause it wasn't long enough to suit me. :o)

1 comment:

GEO*Trailblazer 1 said...

Just your friendly Waymark approver.
Doing his own reviews.

Thanks for placing your blog for the review.
