Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Young Man Luther by Erik Erikson

Young Man Luther by Erik Erikson is a book with an interesting premise but littl else. The premise was do to a psychoanalysis of Martin Luther. The big and central problem is that his analysis was with a person who was absent. Luther was so absent that he had been dead for centuries and no one around to even a first hand account of things. Besides this, there was a cultural biased that was not deal with in the book. Erikson was writting this while living in the 1950's America while looking at Martin Luther who was living in the 1500's Germany. This, at least for me, left the book's theories foundationless. I give this one 1 out of 5 Pith helmits and this solely for how much Erikson's biased amused me.

1 comment:

Maria Gracia said...

Do you have Erikson's article? How can i find it?!!