Monday, December 17, 2007

Swimming Without a Net (Fred the Mermaid book 2) by MaryJanice Davidson

I think I've said before that I adore Ms. Davidson. She has a way with wit that makes me come back for more...and more...and more. Her Fred the mermaid series (oh please let it be a long series, Ms. Davidson! Please! Much longer than the Royals!! Please?) kicks off with Sleeping with the Fishes where Fred Bimm (the LEAST likable mermaid ever portrayed in fiction...from the book description from book one "Fred is not your ordinary mermaid. She's not blonde. She's not buxom. And she's definitely not perky. In fact, Fred can be downright cranky. And it doesn't help matters that her hair is blue.") is introduced along with her mother, Moon Bimm, best friend Jonas, Mer-Prince (er excuse me, Prince of the Undersea Folk I mean) Artur and Dr. (PhD AND MD) Thomas Pearson.

In this sequel, they're all (thankfully!) back along with a Deadwood loving Mer-King and many many Undersea Folk. However, the plot comes along and you find that the Undersea Folk are of 2 minds. Some (the "Air Breathers") want to "come out of the water closet" and others (the "Traditionals") want to be...well, traditional about it and stay hidden. Fred, being a child of both worlds, is invited to the resulting meeting, a "Pelagic" to discuss the pro's and con's of each decision.

Along the way, we get another glimpse into the romance of Jonas and Dr. Barb, Thomas' fascination with Mermaids (and his invention the "Underwater Recreation Vehicle or URV, pronounced irv) more of Fred's background and Fred FINALLY makes a choice between Thomas and Artur.

The resulting book is a fun, fluffy piece of mind candy that you'll want to return to time and again. It's going to be one of those "comfort reads" for me. You know the ones...where you don't know WHAT you want to read, you just know you HAVE to read SOMETHING and you turn to the same books time and again for this because they're so darn entertaining.

How can anyone not love an author like MaryJanice Davidson who dedicates Swimming Without a Net to "Everyone who has ever been irritated at a Disney Princess...Detox with Fred and rejoyce!" Her turn of phrase is hilarious as well. I almost wet the bed when Fred talked about her mother discovering her one night stand lover (Fred's father) was a merman when Moon's newborn baby "popped a tail" while being bathed for the first time. Ms. Davidson may not be the deepest writer out there but that's okay with me. I adore her and hope she'll be writing for many many decades to come.

Giving this book 4 out of 5 berries.

1 comment:

manika said...

who does she choose? i'm ready to be spoiled. =)